I hate my washing machine and have since I first used it about 4 years ago. Brand new and just installed I excitedly put it to use. My old washer had died several weeks before and the haul to the laundromat had gotten old fast.
It was loud and the clothes came out wrinkled and some stains remained.
Flash forward to a couple of weeks ago. I was looking at some things in my business that were just not working for me. My business model had me doing a lot of launches that tired me out and the results just didn’t seem worth it.
Funny how there are wrinkles in things that seem like success. I had so much I loved in my work. I thought I should be happy but something wasn’t right. Just like with my washing machine.
It occurred to me as I was lamenting this odd state of affairs. My business was doing well. I had achieved much of what I had set out to do. What was missing?
I just happened to be leading a Coaches Training Institute Fundamentals course. One of my favorites! In this course, we introduce a new way of looking at values to the class. We teach how to use values, honoring them more, as a way to guide people to fulfilling lives.
I got curious about my business values. Maybe it was not an activity that was missing, maybe I wasn’t simply asking for too much from my work. To have financial and fulfilling success.
What if I was not honoring my top business values? Sure enough, as I looked at what values keep me in that happy happy place while also on track with marketing and sales, running the day to day and creating the content that brings value to my peeps … I saw that I was selling out on more than one of them.
That moment was a big ouch! I know my values and yet sometimes I forget and get caught up in doing things right mode. Have you ever had that happen?
At this same time, I had decided that what I wanted for my birthday this year was a new washing machine. A pretty funny gift for a woman like me who has always had a rule, no household tools as gifts! But I realized I hated that washing machine. When I got really curious I realized it was stepping all over my values. Really. It was noisy and intruded on my day when it was running and it did not do the one job it was intended to do. It did not get my clothes clean! I have a high value for efficiency.
So my husband Curtis and I went and picked out a new washing machine that the salesman promised was quiet and super-efficient when it came to space and cleaning my clothes. Even with something as mundane as a washing machine I felt the joy of values honored.
Back to the business values. On this same day, we went from the appliance store to walk our favorite hill. To get in touch with the values that were most important right now we walked the winding trail at the botanical gardens. I had written a whole chapter in my latest book on how this walk is magical and helps me get in touch with my vision.
So we walked the hill and unpacked our business values. As we walked and unpacked the most important values we wanted to honor in running our business, they were very clear and I saw exactly what was making me unhappy. There was a hole in my values system. Especially in my marketing system.
After this realization and about halfway down that hill I stopped dead in my tracks. I had goosebumps all over my body. A memory came flooding up. A couple of years ago I had created a vision board. There was an image with the words, I love my Rhythmic Marketing System. The image I had chosen to put those words on … you guessed it. A beautiful washing machine!
I love when the universe helps me to see the truth. Makes me laugh right out loud at how blind I have been and gives me such obvious clues as this when I am on the right track.
I encourage you to take a look at your business values to see if they are being stepped on, ignored or honored. Because values are the fuel of fulfilling success.
I am now feeling that wonderful feeling of using my values as my guide.

No one can tell you what your values are. No one can prescribe business values to you any more than they can personal values. You have your own set of business values that align with who you are and what you care about. Looking for these values is fun and easy but it does take time and a commitment to see the truth.
- Put aside 2 hours of uninterrupted time. You can take a walk like I did or sit in a place that is peaceful and where you can be introspective.
- Take a look at what moments in running your busines bring you joy, what is happening in your work with clients, or leading, teaching. Creating content. Look at your marketing activities.
- Where do you come alive? What makes you happy, makes your heart sing.
- You can also look at where you go south. When you feel irritated, frustrated or just plain bored. Is there a value being stepped on there? One that is showing up as missing.
- Make a list of all the values you uncover and then choose 6 or 7 you want to bring forward.
- Make a pretty display with a marker and paper or on your computer.
- The last step is to actionize them. As you go about your workday, planning events, and scheduling your week use your values to guide your choices. Notice the changes that come from this one simple yet powerful step.

Thursday, May 19th at 12:00 pm PDT
The Business of Coaching: Marketing Skills with Kat Knecht, CPCC, PCC
In this webinar, you will get the big picture view of the essential elements of a successful coaching business. Broken down into bite-size understandable elements you will be able to see what stage your business is in, what it needs, what you want and how to take the right next steps toward the vision you have for your coaching career.
- You will walk away with an overview of what it takes create and sustain a successful coaching business
- You will be able to identify the stage of business you are in and why that is important to know
- You will see the choices you have to market your business and be able to make the choice that is right for you
- You will learn the exact steps you can take to move forward right now
- You will have confidence in how to stay on track as you evolve your coaching business for years to come
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