Running a business can be fun and … if you try to do it all alone … exhausting.
When I first opened my coaching business, and I had just a handful of clients paying me very little, I realized that I was going to need help!
This was a bit of a paradox in that I needed help to grow my business to the place where I could afford help.
I was fortunate to have had experience in getting a new business off the ground, and so I knew I would have to take a leap of faith in the startup stage of my business.
I decided to take a small leap. My sister was an accountant. I asked if she would be willing to swap services.
She helped me set up my business bank account and I learned how to track my income and expenses with her help and support.
I also knew I needed help with the day-to-day running of the business, as well as someone to brainstorm ideas and partner with me to implement them.
I hired a young woman I knew who was great at organizing and a wonderful brainstorming partner. It was a fairly low-cost investment, but still it was probably a third of my income at the time.
I also knew I needed to learn more about marketing and sales which would help me with this business.
This was another leap of faith for me. To spend money on business development when I was not earning much income.
Without that help and support, though, I would not have been able to create the business foundation that was the beginning of a two-decade-plus business success.
My situation is one I know many coaches face. When you need help and support to grow a business that is not making much money.
I have also discovered that this paradox continues as my business grows. Each time I reach a new level of success, I need to invest in help and support to keep growing.
A few years ago I was ready to grow my business, and I knew I needed a lot of help and support to make that happen.
I went looking for a VA who already understood my business, someone who knew more than me about how to organize the business I wanted to grow into.
I can tell you without any hesitation that without all the help I received over the years I would not have been able to do exactly that!
What kind of help do you need to grow your business right now? What kind of support would help you stay focused and in your joy? What is the step you can take today to get the help you need?
I would love to hear what step you take!
P.S. If you want to be a part of a community of coaches working to build successful and fulfilling businesses and lives check out my offer below!

Ep. 22 – Jackie Cunningham – Hiring Help to Grow Your Business
In this episode, Kat chats with Jackie Cunningham about the transformative power of hiring support in the coaching business. Discover how delegating tasks can free up your time, reduce stress, and help you grow your coaching business authentically.
When you choose to enroll in the Evolve Your Coaching Business Course—starting as low as $47 or $97 a month—you can join my 21-Day Challenge and training absolutely FREE.
The 21-Day Challenge, July 25 to August 14, includes:
- Personal daily support from Kat, Curtis, and the community of coaches in the Challenge!
- You can ask questions, gain clarity, and move past obstacles you encounter.
- For 21 days, you will focus on growing your business! With live trainings and special bonuses available only for challenge participants.
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Bonus # 1
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Bonus # 2
These live trainings led by Kat!
- Make Sales the Coach Way
- Running a Business Day-to-Day
- Create Structure That Adds Value
- Learn How to Use the Soulsearch Process to Stay on Track
Bonus # 3
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- One Month in Business Training Program FREE! ($500 Value)
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