Clean Out Your Closet

Today is Dec 1…the first day of the last month of this year. Many times throughout the past 9 months I have heard people say, “I can’t wait for 2020 to be over.”

For me, 2020 began with such great hope. I thought 2020 was a wonderful metaphor for having a clear vision!

There was no way I could see what was coming. I was focused on taking my business to the next level, enjoying my new role as a coach trainer, and getting ready to welcome my first grandchild.

I had plans to visit good friends and family.

There was a music festival booked for May, my daughter’s 40th birthday celebration Alaska cruise in August, and some getaways planned with Curtis.

The year ahead seemed like a wonderful opportunity for so many things.

Along with the lament for this year to be over, I often hear people saying they have trashed their visions for the year.

This may sound arrogant, but that is not at all what happened to me. Nothing happened the way I thought it would, for sure. The HOW was very different than I imagined.

Yet, the essence of what I saw in my vision did happen in ways I never could have predicted.

For the past 20 years, I have developed a visioning process that seems to include even those things that I couldn’t possibly imagine. It includes those events that I don’t want to see or to experience.

Of course, it is always positive and beneficial for me to see what is most important to me no matter what happens.

This visioning process includes practical aspects of life that you might think of as REALITY.  It also taps into that other realm of REALITY that is not linear or logical.

Some of what came through the vision I created for this year was logical. I had business goals and aspirations that I included.

Others were a bit odd and seemed unusual for me to include, like the phrases (and accompanying images) of “It’s a Vulnerable Business,” and “Open to Faith”.

Boy did that turn out to be true!  

Some of the vision I imagined would be fun and other parts made me uncomfortable and some just didn’t make sense at all! I put a measuring tape on the vision board. What was that about?

I vividly remember sitting in my study as I was considering what I was seeing in my vision. The biggest aspect that came through was that I was going to have to S T R E T C H in 2020!

HaHa… little did I know.

As you begin this month – the last month of a very unusual year – I encourage you to take time to look back at what happened. In your life and in your business.

Look for where you grew, where you overcame the obstacles that came with the pandemic. Maybe aspects of your vision for 2020 that you thought didn’t happen at all… look to see what happened instead.

The ways YOU stretched, experienced new things, found strength, and perhaps what this unusual year revealed to you that was beyond what you would have wanted or thought possible a year ago.

The exercise I use to begin this visioning process is one I call Cleaning Out The Closet of Your Year. This process began a couple of decades ago when I first read Julia Cameron’s book, The Vein of Gold.

In it, she offers an exercise that guides the reader to look at their life in 10-year increments to uncover threads and themes of their true essence.

I played with that idea and came up with a year-end ritual that really shifted my visioning process.

Every year in December, I take time to look back at what happened during that year. I have a process that makes it easy and fun to see events, goals, experiences, successes as well as failures.

I am going to explore this further in next week’s message so stay tuned!

In the meantime, I encourage you to set aside some time to look back. Even in this crazy year. Maybe, especially this year, you will find surprises and insights that will give you a great start to 2021.

If you would like to take a look at your business vision read the message below or simply book a consultation using this link: FREE CONSULTATION

All the best, Kat

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