I interviewed an amazing man, Victor McGuire, who is the founder of Coaching For Everyone. He brought that phrase to me. Are you a thought leader or a DO leader? The interview is below and I recommend you watch it!
One of my favorite learning experiences, before I found coaching, was called SOPHIA. The School of Philosophy In Action.
I had spent many years in personal growth programs, reading self-help books and exploring alternative medicine. This course taught me the importance of not just talking the talk but walking it as well.
I was raised by parents who were active in the civil rights movement. My mother showed me the value of taking action with the volunteer work she did. My dad felt so strongly about what was wrong with the school system he worked in that he started his own school which ended up changing the whole school system.
So I have this concept in my bones.
As a coach, I help people every day. I help coaches build businesses that will help others and my vision is this will bring about the change we need on this planet.
I know though that more is needed. I consistently look for ways to do my part.
In April I held a fundraiser for an organization that is founded on taking action — Coaching for Everyone. Thanks to many of you, I raised $1,000! Thank You.
Coaching For Everyone and its founder Victor McGuire is an inspiration to me in so many ways.
I was fortunate enough to speak to Victor and interview him on what motivates him and his vision for what his organization can do.
That interview is below and will live on my website along with a way for you to donate.
I encourage you to watch the video so you too will feel the inspiration that comes when someone is walking their talk. Victor speaks of the importance of DOING when we see a need.
What action are you being called to take? Where are you willing to put effort into making a change you see is needed.
I would love to know what inspires you to take action toward something bigger than yourself.

What is one area of life you really care about?
Something you know you could impact in a positive way?
It can be very small OR maybe seem really big. My encouragement to you is to DO something. When you take action toward something that is meaningful to you the rewards are great. The universe always conspires to help you and often wonderful people show up to help.