Today is Dec 14th and that means this year is almost over.
I remember this time last year I was writing to you about how 2020 did not go as expected. An understatement!
This year, as I begin to wind down, take stock of 2021, and look at the bigger picture of my life, I would say the theme that rises up is a phrase I hear a lot …
A New Normal.
This makes me laugh because what is normal anyway? Yet, navigating the terrain of this pandemic, it seems, has brought on an extra dose of change.
Changes in thinking, perspective and so much more.
It has caused me, and many of the people I talk to, to pause and consider what is most important in a very new way.
Old habits, behaviors and attachments have fallen by the wayside.
To put it crudely, I have let go of a lot of crap! All the stuff that just doesn’t matter.
At the same time, I find myself needing to assess what does matter with more thought than ever before. My beliefs have been brought front and center more clearly and I see that they do not always align with family and friends.
A paradox of sorts, since the power of love is one of my strongest beliefs. What has changed this year is a new level of living and expressing it.
A “new normal” that I am still grappling with. It sure looks different to me this year and – as uncomfortable as I am sometimes – I am grateful to be upping my love game.
How about you? What has changed for you this year? What is your new normal?
I am especially curious how your vision for yourself has manifested this year.
Visioning is one of my favorite rituals. Also one of the most effective ways I know to make my most heartfelt dreams come true.
For the past 20 years, I have developed a visioning process that allows me to get a glimpse of those things that I couldn’t possibly imagine. It also includes those events that I don’t want to see or to experience. Like the universe is giving me a heads up so I can prepare.
Because it is always positive and beneficial to see what is most important to me no matter what happens.
This visioning process includes practical aspects of life that you might think of as REALITY. It also taps into that other realm of REALITY that is not linear or logical.
Some of what came through the vision I created for this year was logical. I had business goals and aspirations that I included. Such as a published book. Logical but a lot of hard work and the good luck of choosing the right publisher and editor.
Others were more about the inner journey like, only from guidance. Then just for fun, I had some like … keep it simple. That one was perhaps the most challenging!
Some of the vision I imagined would be fun and other parts made me uncomfortable and some just didn’t make sense at all! What did a great big Zebra have to do with anything?
As you begin to close down the year – the last couple of weeks of the New Normal year – I encourage you to take time to look back at what happened. In your life and in your business.
Look for where you grew, where you overcame the obstacles that came your way. Maybe aspects of your vision for 2021 that you thought didn’t happen at all … look to see what happened instead.
The ways YOU stretched, experienced new things, found strength, and perhaps what this year revealed to you that was beyond what you would have wanted or thought possible a year ago.

The exercise I use to begin this visioning process is one I call Cleaning Out The Closet of Your Year.
This is a year-end ritual that really anchors my visioning process.
Every year in December, I take time to look back at what happened during that year. I have a process that makes it easy and fun to see events, goals, experiences, successes, as well as failures.
I am going to explore this further in my next message so stay tuned!
In the meantime, I encourage you to set aside some time to look back. Maybe, especially this year, you will find surprises and insights that will give you a great start to 2022.
If you would like to take a look at your business vision read the message below or simply book a consultation using this link: FREE CONSULTATION

I have been doing my Cleaning Out the Closet of Your Year exercise with clients for a dozen years or so and it is so freeing and fun.
This year I am offering this to coaches who want to look at their business. So please forward to any coach you know who would benefit.
We will be doing this Year in Review process on a FREE Webinar on January 13 at 11 AM PST to get you started on your 2022 Visioning.
There will also be a special invitation for those joining the webinar to get support in creating your new vision at our January Retreat!
There’s no charge for either event … it’s my gift to those who are willing to commit their time and energy to create a fulfilling vision for their lives in 2022.
If you would like to join us, click the button below to register. Register Now for the FREE Webinar on January 13th – 11am to 12pm PST