When I was recording my very first podcast a couple of weeks ago with a very successful coach, I had expected we would be talking nuts and bolts kind of stuff.
Ann Farrell, my guest on that show, is someone I admire for many reasons. She has built her executive coaching institute to be one of the premier opportunities for coaches to learn how to succeed as an executive coach. She is dedicated to our profession. She is kind and fun!
I interviewed her for my book Evolve Your Coaching Business a few years ago, and all of these things impressed me. I knew she would be perfect for my first show which launched last Monday.
What I didn’t expect was her answer to my simple question: What is a key ingredient in the success of the coaches you support?
The Answer was:
Not romantic love, but she was talking about a specific kind of love that a coach has for themselves. A self-love that is at the base of those coaches who can promote themselves with confidence because they know their own worth.
This translates to a confidence others have in them and an emotional pull others have to work with them.
I believe in having good strategy when it comes to business building. I believe that coaches need a strong foundation of strategy in marketing and sales. They need step-by-step support and all the business essentials that make for a good business structure.
This one ingredient, though – Self-love – is also a basic foundational element for the kind of success coaches are seeking.
It is not something you can learn from a book, though there are some really great books out there on the topic.
For most of us, it requires some deep personal growth work that is often messy and challenging but always worthwhile.

Ep.1: Ann Farrell – A Perspective Shift on True Success as a Coach
Building a coaching business and making it sustainable starts with you! The strategies of success will only work if you do the work to show up full bodied and confident. Learn the keys that will unlock your unique potential as a professional coach.