Create Your Vision for 2022 and Get the Party Started!

This year it feels especially important to come together in community don’t you think?

This week, I am bringing a visioning webinar to my amazing community of coaches who want to grow their business, and I would love to have you join me!

There is no charge for this and you can even bring your coach friends.

I LOVE the Visioning process because it brings together our linear desires with the nudges, pictures & wild-haired ideas that lie just below the surface.

I have guided hundreds of people through my visioning process over the years. It never fails to amaze me how everyone has the ability to vision – whether they know it or not. You don’t even have to believe in it for it to have a creative impact on your life.

I have found, though, that we all need a little help when accessing the deeper truths about ourselves and what is possible for our lives.

What the Universe is waiting to show us. To stretch ourselves past the limits we set in our minds. To dream of the simple things as well as the grand.

As this new year begins, I hope you take the time to look at last year to see things you didn’t notice as they were happening. As a human, as a coach and in your work in the world. To gain insight on the themes you might not have noticed, the values you honored or perhaps the ones you ignored!  Then I will show you how to take those insights and create a compelling vision for 2022!

If you want to do that in community, I welcome you to join me on Thursday, January 13th from 11 am – 12 pm PST for our Soul Strategy Vision for Coaches Webinar.

In our 60 minutes together, we will:

  • Look at your “Highlights” of the past year. Those experiences you want to celebrate.
  • Look at the “Lowlights“, so you can name and let go of the things you didn’t like.
  • Then, in an interactive exercise, you will begin to cultivate the “Insights” from the integration of your year’s experiences (that edge of truth that emerges when the “High” is juxtaposed with the “Low”). It’s alchemy for sure.

We will conclude with a brief imagining to give you a foundation for your New Year’s Vision.

And there’s more!

For those of you who want support, community and to have fun creating your vision I have something special!

It is sometimes a challenge to make time for rituals like visioning. That’s why I am hosting the Soul Strategy Vision for Coaches Retreat at the end of this month.

So you can set aside time to have fun creating your vision for the New Year. Everyone who participates in the webinar will be invited to join our Soul Strategy Vision for Coaches Retreat on Saturday as our gift to the coaching community. It will be held virtually on January 29th 9-Noon.

You deserve to have your vision made real so please join me and a community of lively coaches for this Soul Strategy Vision for Coaches Webinar to be guided to look back at 2021, clean out the year’s closet and begin to Vision for 2022 together!

Register Now for the Soul Strategy Vision for Coaches Webinar on January 13th, 2022

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