One of my fascinations in life is to study humans and what makes them happy and successful. It is that combination that seems rare yet so fricking satisfying!
I began this study in childhood when I noticed a lot of success happening around me that didn’t seem to match the happy. Then there was the happy that was so wonderful to experience but I noticed not a lot of connection being made to success from the happy place.
When I started my career as a coach I was determined to have both and to help my clients find that sweet spot in life, too.
I will admit it has been a bucket of fun to pursue this way of life. The hits and misses and all that lies in between. Just as much fun is to help the coaches I work with wrestle with their own business success and the fears and doubts of losing the happy in the mix of business details.
A couple of years ago I began my quest for an assessment that I hoped would give my clients a snapshot of their very own unique blueprint of how to create and maintain a successful happy-making business.
I never tire of seeing these blueprints. Each one shows the strengths, values, and impact on others. It goes deep into what makes them happy and the many ways they have succeeded in all areas of life. The successes that may have gone unnoticed or been diminished by the inner critic or perhaps an outer critic!
I call this assessment Your Genius Wheelhouse.
Genius: Exceptional Intellectual or creative power, or other natural ability.
Wheelhouse: Being and Doing within one’s area of power and excellence.
When you put them together you have the very best of who you are at your core, what makes you happy to express, along with what you do well and easily that brings success every time.
The Sweet Spot, while attainable and wonderful to experience, also requires attention and adjustments as you learn and grow.
That my friend is the key.
To identify what makes you happy, how you easily succeed in work and life, and then create habits to keep your attention on those ways of being and doing as you evolve your business and your soul.

Begin by noticing when you are at your best. Your highest energy, most loving self is in the lead.
What are you doing?
What are you thinking?
Who are the people, places and things around you?
Look back at your most satisfying experiences. What do they all have in common?
Put these two things together to begin to discover your Genius Wheelhouse!

You will find the Genius Wheelhouse exercise in my book Evolve Your Coaching Business: The Ultimate Guide to Success Doing the Work You Love
You can purchase it here.