If you know me at all, you know I am wildly enthusiastic when I think something is Good and I can be downright obnoxious when I believe in something with all my heart! I imagine that I straddled that line when I first became a life coach.
I had never felt so right about anything in my life.
But… I didn’t know what I didn’t know.
No one told me that there was a fairly low bar to enter the profession of coaching and a high bar to succeed.
What I did know was that I wanted to be one of the best coaches in the world, so I chose the highest bar I could find for my coach training – the Co-Active Training Institute.
My training was stellar, and I entered my new profession armed with the tools and talent I had dreamed of to transform lives (and the world, if I’m being totally honest).
I did pretty well to begin with. In that sense, I am glad I didn’t know what I didn’t know about the business side of coaching.
I just went full out for my dream and my passion carried me far enough to be able to quit my day job and begin to support myself with my coaching practice.
The road to sustainable business success, took longer and was harder than I had imagined.
I didn’t know what I didn’t know, and that was a very uncomfortable experience.

At times I wanted to hide out and pretend that I did know.
At other times, I just wanted to give up.
I went through periods of time where I bought into the fantasy being perpetuated by “big-time marketing gurus” that…
All I had to do was to do……what they told me to do.
“Take these three simple steps… just pay us the big bucks and – in no time at all – you will be making a six-figure-income… and then millions.”
And just as harmful was the message…
“You don’t have to do any of that business stuff at all. Just think positively, talk to people and clients will come flocking to your door.”
But, I didn’t know what I didn’t know.
The one thing I did know, when I really listened to my inner guidance, was that I needed help!
I found some good help and some so-so help and some not-so-helpful help.
And over time, I gradually learned what I didn’t know. Each time, I grew my business.
In this process, I discovered that growing a coaching business required that I grow as well… in fact, it meant I needed to do some pretty deep personal and spiritual growth to keep myself aligned with the business growth.

To really change the world in the way my soul was urging me to do meant I needed to become that change, as the popular saying goes! I not only took a zillion business courses, I also did my own personal and spiritual inner work.
I discovered that growing a meaningful and personal business meant I had some mountains to climb, inner limits to overcome, and a manifesting energy to create and sustain within me as my business grew in the world.
On this path, I even answered the call to become an interfaith minister! I learned, in that training, the wisdom of all the major spiritual traditions of the world which helped me grow as a human and a business woman.
Then I hit another one of those places in the road where, once again, I didn’t know what I didn’t know. I had grown my business with one-on-one clients and group coaching and now wanted to expand in new directions.
Create my own programs, write a book, do some speaking. It felt like a whole new road to travel.
Funny how that keeps happening when you follow the path of your heart!
I thought I might start my own church. Then I wrote a book about soul searching (called The Soul Search) and how soul searching was an essential part of manifesting my success in the coaching business.
I had a personal epiphany when I used the Soulsearch process to address this unknown place in the road and spirit gave me a clear signal to take a fork in another direction.
I needed to shift my niche from women entrepreneurs to professional coaches.
To use all my coaching skills, my business expertise, my spiritual wisdom, and the personal growth I experienced to help other professional coaches.
Coaches who don’t know what they don’t know. Coaches who, like me, may have missed the memo on the high bar that needs to be reached in order to create sustainable success as a professional coach doing meaningful, soul-satisfying work.

For those of you curious about the whole process of finding a niche,
here’s a free download that will interest you.
Over the past year, I have experimented with the best way to serve professional coaches.
Gleaning from all the wonderful help I have received, I have created a program that has never before been offered.
At our Soul Driven Success Business Academy, our mission is to show professional coaches how to align their soul’s purpose with proven business strategies so they can stop worrying about what they don’t know.
We help them tap into their vision and gain confidence in their greatness… with the support of top-level coaching, useful exercises, hands-on curriculum and real-world business concepts.
I call this program Business Alchemy by Design.
It is uniquely designed with each individual client from a selection of two-dozen modules that include training materials & videos that range from proven business strategies to personal growth and spiritual exercises.
There is expert personal coaching to support you past the obstacles that naturally occur when you go for your dream and into the results that you set for yourself at the outset.
(Believe me, we know about those obstacles!)
For a limited time in October, I am opening this up to the first wave of professional coaches, and by “professional” I mean people who use coaching in their business and consider themselves a professional.
We serve coaches who want to have their own unique program designed just for them.
We’ll be accepting the first applications until Oct 31st.
If you are a professional coach who is ready to go for your dream, either launching a new endeavor or rising to a new level of success in your current business, I invite you to apply!
All who apply will have a private consultation to discover if this program is right for you. We want to make sure we can help you achieve exactly the kind of success you desire.
This program will take your business from “I don’t know what I don’t know about what’s next for me” to “I know exactly what works for me and what my business needs! I now know how to sustainably grow and flourish in the world.”
Imagine being the change you want to see and having the positive impact you are here to have in the world.
It requires a commitment to doing whatever it takes and a willingness to ask for and receive the help that we all need to make this happen.
Take your business to the next level and apply today!
All the Best, Kat