I love assessments and personality tests, don’t you?
As a lifelong seeker of personal growth and knowledge, I have taken many of these to great benefit.
As a coach, I have found them to be extremely useful in helping my clients better understand themselves and enhancing our mutual understanding of who they are and what motivates them.
I have created some assessments myself, including my current quiz which helps coaches identify what stage of business they are in.
Some of my personal favorites:
I love this assessment because it focuses on identifying what you do well—your natural gifts and talents. It also gives guidance on how to manage your weaknesses.
My greatest insight was learning the ins and outs of the Relator and Positivity strengths. The Relator loves to deepen current relationships but is slow to form new ones, and Positivity spreads enthusiasm and excitement like crazy but has a real challenge dealing with negativity.
One of the perks of knowing the results of assessments is being able to accept yourself as you truly are without self-judgment.
I took this assessment in a group setting along with my husband, Curtis. It was beneficial to find out I was a high “I” and had almost no “D” in my behavior. I gained new awareness about myself.
The biggest benefit for me, however, was learning that my husband was a high “D”! No wonder it seemed like we were operating in two different worlds at times.
Love Languages
I took this for the first time shortly after my first marriage ended. It gave me a wealth of insight into the failure of that union and what to do differently going forward.
My greatest insight was that Acts of Service was my second language and that it was OKAY to feel loved when people did things for me.
One more that I always include in my pre-work with clients is:
Six Dominant Action Styles
I love how this assessment clearly and, in my experience, very accurately identifies and describes what motivates us to take action.
This has helped me in my work with coaches building a business to be able to connect them with their motivation to keep moving through the challenges and achieve their goals.
There is one personality test that I have only dabbled in and never actually discovered all the treasures beneath the surface. That is the enneagram. I got a bucket load of wisdom and information about that on my latest podcast with Cai DeLumpa.
I am now excited to learn more about how the enneagram works! What assessments or personality typing has worked for you?
How do you integrate these into your relationships at home and work?
What helps you most when working with your clients?
I encourage you to dig some of those old assessments up and see what new insights they have for you.
And, like me with the enneagram, maybe there is a new one out there you haven’t yet taken all the way.
Using assessments is a fun and fruitful way to grow as a human, and to discover a useful tool you can use with your clients.

Ep. 24 – Cai Delumpa – Using the Enneagram to Elevate Your Coaching
Explore the Enneagram with host Kat Knecht and expert Cai Delumpa! Discover how this ancient personality system reveals core motivations, enhances coaching practices, and strengthens relationships. Uncover insights for personal and professional growth.