I love it when there is a special price, discount or sale on something I would otherwise pay full price for.
And…I have to admit there are times the sale price will lure me into buying something I really don’t need…..Shoes perhaps!
Most of the time, though, I aim for what I want, and, if I know it has value for me, I’m willing to pay full price.
I utilize practical thinking here as well as trusting my gut, tuning into my intuition and checking in with Spirit to get the green light on a purchase.
Especially if it’s one that will have a long-term benefit for my business.
But there is a special delight when I get a good deal on something I know I want… a special price just tickles my soul right down to my toes.
How about you?

How do you make choices on what and where to spend your money?
For me, when I make a purchase for a program or service that I believe will help me further my business success, I have a four-step process.
1. I lay out the promise of the offer to see what the short-term and long-term expectations and benefits would be for me.
2. Next, I ask myself if I am willing to do what it takes to make the expenditure worth the time, money and effort. This is critical. I have something I call the 75/25 Rule. I have to be willing to put in 75% of the effort to accomplish my goal with the other 25% coming from the program or service I am buying.
3. I look at the payoff if I were to totally commit myself to the process and if they did the same. What amount of money would I make or save? How might this move my business forward or help me utilize my time?
4. I have developed my own head-soul-gut-check process for this step. I inhabit each possible choice using my whole body. I find a place to stand in my office that represents one choice. It could be standing on a design on the carpet.
Standing there, I imagine the first option has been chosen and I inhabit what it feels like… already done. I check in with my head, heart and body for wisdom & for clues as to how this choice resonates with me.
Then I move to the alternative choice or choices. I inhabit each fully, stepping to a different spot in my office to represent each choice.
There is always a moment when I get a feeling that spurs me on to move forward or to give it a pass.
Fear sometimes flares up but that is to be expected. That usually means I am heading into new territory which is a good thing!

Having a special price or some other type of bonus is a factor in making the choice. Added value, less money out of my pocket…something free that is useful…or just fun…I am all for that!
How do you make your choices?
What is the criteria you use to decide whether to go or forego?
What is the payoff you look for when you are making a choice such as signing up for a workshop, program or hiring a coach to be in your corner. I would love to know so please drop me a note!
I encourage you to create your own system that will have you making great choices, ones that feel good, give you confidence in yourself and that serve your soul and your dream business!
…AND if you – like me – are delighted by specials…

I have a super duper deal for you!
And It’s not fish… it’s $100.
Yes, it’s a whopping $100 OFF your first purchase!
During our launch of the Soul Driven Success Business Academy, which lasts until Oct 31 (midnight on Halloween), we are running this special for you or someone you would like to support in their business growth.
Don’t wait! Visit our web site today and make a wise choice for future success in your business.
This special is for any of our courses that you choose to purchase between now and Halloween midnight.
When it’s time to pay, just type $100OFF in the spot that says “Coupon” and you will be a happy camper.
Before then, please give us a call to make sure this is something you really want. It has to be exactly right for you. I will help you see what is important so you can make a confident choice. This special is time limited so contact me today!