The world needs your dream made real!
As a coach you want to have an impact on the world and to enjoy your business and your life. To do that requires both dreaming and ACTION.
Over a decade ago, I created a way to bring these two things together in a way that consistently helps me create and make real what I imagine in my vision and with my goals.
I included what I call The Navigation Creation System in my post last week and feel it is worth repeating with a new video below to inspire you to make your dream come true this year.
I truly do Believe that each of us can bring our best most creative genius into our work in a way that if fulfilling. I hope you bring yours!
The Navigation Creation System includes these 7 aspects:
1. Start with what you already HAVE that is working and bringing you joy. Make a list (or whatever works for you) to put these things front and center.
2. Get a sense of what you want to create next in your life. The experience you want to have. The people you want to help. The results that would make your heart sing.
3. Imagine what you would want to grow in the areas you already HAVE that bring you joy. Imagine these as the seeds that will grow into what you create next.
4. Look at your time and give yourself just the right amount of time to focus on what is next. Not too long, not too short, the just right amount of time.
5. Spend time exploring your life using your intuition. What information comes through that channel? What would be wildly exciting even if it seems unrealistic right now?
6. What practical elements need to be included? Financial wellbeing perhaps? Healthy Habits? What do you know you need to DO to be living your best life?
7. Who do you want to BE? What is calling you forth into that greater version of the wonderful YOU?
The Key to this system is to put all of this in order and then stay tuned. This is not a one and done kind of plan. It is messy and alive. It requires curiosity instead of attachment to outcome. It usually means being uncomfortable in new territory. It is always fulfilling when followed!
Look below for info on my upcoming retreat where I will guide coaches to create from their Vision.

This is the last call for the Vision Retreat! After today we close enrollment so everyone has time to prepare.
I would love to have you join me to create your 2021 Vision and get started on your very own Navigation Creation System. You can even bring a friend!
Date and Time: January 23rd from 9AM -1PM PST.
Location: Zoom…of course!
Just drop me a line if you would like to be put on the list. There is nothing like a group of coaches getting together and creating a Vision!