In my last blog, I wrote about a trip I took to Lodi, CA and the song that I was reminded of with the same name – Lodi.
There were a couple of lines that stood out to me as I listened from the perspective that the story is one of feeling stuck and not moving forward as expected.
One such line goes, “the man from the magazine said I was on my way,” and then the story speaks of lots of disappointment after that.
I know there have been many times in my career as a coach where I “felt I was on my way.” Great opportunities came my way that I thought would lead to fame and fortune.
Instead, they simply took me forward on my journey. They brought good things, don’t get me wrong. I am grateful for each and every one of those experiences.
None of them were “IT,” and I discovered there was no “IT.” Making a dream come true takes time, effort, and a bucket of trust.
You never know what is going to happen or when.
No ONE thing will ever be the “end all be all” of your success. It all adds up when you stay tuned into your inner wisdom. Your heart and soul. Staying true to your values and what feels right to you.
Taking risks and even being willing to enjoy the moments of triumph without getting attached to them. Just like the moments of despair. It is all a part of the creative process.
There is no ONE outside of you that will make all the difference.
YOU are the ONE you have been waiting for.
Keep moving toward your dreams, and stay tuned into your guidance system. That is when the journey is most fruitful and fun!
Lodi is actually a decent place to be, and there is an amazing “hole in the wall” food place across the street from the lake.

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