In my book Evolve Your Coaching Business I tell this story.
Some moments stand the test of time. I believe the memories that stand out the most are those that happen when we are doing something that makes us feel alive. One such moment for me came right after I had finished my first coach training course.
I was on fire with this new profession! Part of that fire came from my own transformation after having attended just one three-day training course offered by the Coaches Training Institute. In that course, I learned how to listen to others in a new way. To hear what was really important, to see their essence shining through all the crud that life can paint over the authentic person we are in our soul.
I was also the recipient of that listening-being seen, known, and called forth in a brand-new way.
I was ALL IN and had made the choice to pursue Life Coaching as a career. I didn’t have a speck of doubt about this choice. I love when choices are that clear, don’t you? It is a rare experience.
In this particular moment, which I remember with absolute clarity, I was in front of my big, old computer, which was sitting on the desk my best friend, Corinne, had made especially for me.
I took in a deep breath and started to write a message to my nearest and dearest. I was announcing this new career path and asking for their help.
I wanted to let them know what I was up to, and I wanted their help in promoting my coaching services to people they knew.
In my memory of this message, I really laid it on thick, espousing the many ways coaching could help people with every problem known to man. How coaching could bring about any dream, help people achieve any goal and reach the highest heights.
It was a bit over the top, I suppose, but I believed it with all my heart. I decided to be vulnerable and just put it out there.
I wrote that message with my heart on my sleeve. I hit send. I waited.
I remember one of my good friends pulling me aside a few days after I sent that message. She felt it was a little embarrassing to have gone so far. Her advice was to tone it down a bit. That is advice I had been receiving my whole life. Something I no longer intended to do. No thanks.
In the book, I tell the rest of the story – how I learned to create an impactful message about the benefits of coaching.
What I know today is that sometimes the only way to support something I really believe in is simply to ASK.
I believe in the benefits of coaching. Coaching can make a huge difference in an individual’s life. I have worked with thousands of people over my 20 years as a coach and have watched them blossom and become the person they most want to be. Having the impact in the world they were meant to have. I want that for Everyone!
That’s why this month I am contributing all the proceeds of the sale of my book Evolve Your Coaching Business to the organization Coaching For Everyone. I am asking you to help me in my quest to support them by purchasing one or more copies of my book this month.
I believe that if you purchase a book and it helps you with your coaching business and in doing so you help me raise money for others to receive coaching or coach training then the coaching profession will get a big boost and the world will be better for it.
This fundraiser is going on for the whole month of April so please help me spread the word!
If you would like to also contribute your time and talent as a coach read below to find out what Coaching For Everyone is looking for.

Are you…
Looking for powerful ways to extend your impact as a coach?
Yearning to join a movement to amplify access to coaching for underserved populations?
Ready to join a powerful new community of diverse coaches, dedicated to the mission of doing good?
Coaching For Everyone is seeking ICF-certified coaches who are available to provide pro-bono services to our richly-diverse set of clients, twice per month (two hours total) for three months. ICF credentials must be current.

Add giving to your coaching business’s bottom line. Give to yourself by purchasing the book Evolve Your Coaching Business. Give to the world! 100% of the proceeds from this purchase will go to Coaching for Everyone.