Pivot Pause Play

We all did a pivot about 9 months ago. A worldwide pivot caused by the pandemic of Covid 19.

Along with this unexpected event, I made another pivot and I paused sending my blog.

After pausing, I realized that this particular pivot began 2 years ago when I made a big choice.

After having had success in my coaching business for many years, I decided to change my focus from relationships to supporting coaches to succeed in their coaching business.

This was an unexpected pivot. The choice came out of the blue.

I was doing an exercise designed to help people make informed decisions, focusing it on my own coaching business. I felt like it was time for me to get really clear about the direction I wanted to take in my work.

Have you ever had a moment like that? In your life? In your work?

In the life of a coaching business, it usually happens more than once. You develop yourself and your business to a place where you organically feel it’s time to make a change.

I put all kinds of options into the matrix of this exercise.

When I looked at everything I wanted to include: to create community, expand my coaching reach, use my decade of experience as a relationship coach, business coach, and CTI leader… as well as my spiritual wisdom.

What popped up – out of the blue – was a soul-driven business academy for professional coaches. To bring prosperity to the profession I loved the most.

I realized I wanted to bring what I had learned about succeeding in this profession (which I love!) to other coaches. To bring it with heart and soul as well as good business practices that have stood the test of time.

In the two years that have passed since that exercise, I have learned a ton about what works and doesn’t work in this new iteration of my business!

Now with this latest pivot and pause – the pivot we have all had to make – to virtual relationships, training, and conducting business, I have found offers the opportunity for new connections.

Even though this pandemic in and of itself is not a “ good thing” there is surely an opportunity to pivot to something that serves in a bigger and more holistic way with your work.

I believe that this is the opportunity we all have been given.

Today, I am taking my foot off the pause peddle and hitting the gas. To go forward with this newsletter/blog for its 4th iteration. I know this is right because I am feeling excited AND extremely vulnerable!

Welcome to Kat’s Playbook for Coaches, Thought Leaders and Change Makers!

In this iteration of my weekly newsletter, I intend to bring my usual chatty message of inspiration and insight as I have in the other iterations of my blogs.

This newsletter/blog is also going to include useful tips for your coaching business and resources & recommendation for books, people, places, and things that will help you navigate on your journey at this time.

I hope you enjoy the new format. If you do, please let me know what would compel you to open this message each week. I welcome your suggestions!

If you don’t, then I wish you well and hope to connect with you somewhere else on the journey of life.

The exercise I used to make the pivot in my business was a fancy-dancy spreadsheet but I think using a simple coaching wheel can work just as well.

We usually put values or perspectives into this wheel. In this Decision-Making exercise you will be simply putting in the options you are choosing between.

Draw a circle and make 6-8 segments.

In each segment put one of your options.

Once you have done this, the fun really begins! It is important that you inhabit each choice. Don’t try to figure it out with your head.

Take each option and move your body to different places in a room, your house or even outside.

Stand in that choice and FEEL what it is like if you make that choice. Does it feel good, boring, wrong? Trust whatever comes through when you ask for guidance on this choice.

Do this until one choice stands out as feeling RIGHT.

Move forward with this choice and see what happens!

If you would like support on making a choice about your coaching business I would be happy to help you out.

Simply book a consultation using this link: FREE CONSULTATION

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