You know those moments in life when everything changes? Nothing is ever the same afterwards?
I’ve had a few.
There are the big life events… like when my mother died just before my 13th birthday. When I was kidnapped as a teenager. Having children. Getting married. Divorced. Those moments…

Then there are the inner game changers. Where I have had an “aha” that shone a light onto some truth… and I could
I had one of those “aha” moments recently thanks to my mentor, Barbara Huson. Barbara is a best selling author and authority on women, spirituality and finances.
I had just dipped my toes in the land of learning about investing. She had helped me bust some deep limiting beliefs that I had about myself and my ability to learn how to be a good investor.
The game changer came when she challenged me to call up my financial planner and learn about bonds. I had no idea what bonds were… let alone any confidence that I could learn anything useful.
With her encouragement and belief in me, though, I made the call.
The game changer moment came pretty early in the call after my financial planner extraordinaire, Gary Cook, explained the basics of how bonds work and…. I actually understood what he was saying. I even got a little excited!
I had clarity on their purpose and how I could use that information to make good choices for myself. Me a bond girl. who would have thought.
We throw around the word “empowerment” a lot in my business but I don’t know any other word to use as to how I felt.

This area of finance – that had seemed so mysterious – was now clear. In a 30-minute phone call, I had crossed a line.
I could never again hide out in the “I don’t understand investing” basement of my comfort zone.
It was a game changer.
Here are the two big lessons I learned from that experience that may help you bring on your own game changers.
We need mentors, coaches, advisers, consultants, family or friends who know more than we do!
People to help guide us, teach us, partner with us, prod us, believe in us.
I had been flailing around in the area of financial investment. Trying to figure it out on my own. Ashamed that I couldn’t. Not knowing who to trust for help.
It’s hard to trust someone when you don’t know something. That, my friend, is the ultimate paradox. You need to trust yourself in order to “change the game” from one you don’t know how to win to one you can win with ease and grace.
So, lesson number one, for me:
Trust myself and ask for the help I need. Just asking can be a radical act!
The second lesson I learned:
Aim for a higher purpose. Something beyond survival or fleeting pleasure. Something bigger than yourself. Something you care about that will help catapult you into new territory.

A big game changer came for me when I decided to launch a new business.
I am passionate about my Business Academy for Women and will do anything it takes to succeed. My passion for this is not just for my own benefit.
I truly believe women coaches need basic business support that comes from a feminine paradigm. It includes their spiritual beliefs. With the right support, guidance,
They will bring their feminine wisdom forward in powerful ways, which is so badly needed on this planet. They will help their clients and their tribes of people. They will transform our communities and planet in small and large ways… an influence that is so important right now.
I know this is a game changer worth stepping up my own game for!
You need to look for your higher purpose. Identify the impact you want to have on others that is so compelling that it will move you out of your comfort zone and you will get the support you need… and – without a doubt – it will guide you to your own game changing moment.
Do you have any game changer moments you would like to share? I would love to hear them.
Know that I’m supporting you to aim for your higher purpose and be a game changer in this world!

If you’re raising your hand right now because you know you need support to accomplish a goal you really care about… one that fulfills your high purpose… schedule a Business Strategy Session with me … do it now.