I have been doing personal growth work for…well let’s just say a few decades and then some.
As much as I believe that we are all powerful creators and that there is a spiritual realm we can tap into that is magical…
As much as I know that manifesting energy is what co-creates our life experiences and that using our own loving energy will bring us good things…
I still default to DOING… as my go-to thought process for making something real happen in the world.
There… I have outed myself!
Often, though, this default mode of operating is hidden to me.

I may think I am using all of my spiritual tools, my manifesting mojo, my genius wheelhouse strengths. But when I am not getting the desired results from my efforts, I have learned just where to look.
I look at my beliefs. What do I really believe about myself? These beliefs are very strong emotional thoughts. When I look there, I am bound to find an inner block to my success.
I often think the reason something is not working out for me is that I am doing something wrong or not doing something right.
Instead, the truth is that my limiting beliefs are the cause of most of my real failures.
I found one of mine a couple of weeks ago.
It is kind of embarrassing to admit this one to you!
I was looking at my marketing efforts. I was just completing my Beta, 6-month Business Mentorship program. A program that, of course, includes a lot of marketing tips!
As I was teaching marketing to my brilliant students, I was noticing a block in my own marketing mojo. I found myself procrastinating and avoiding some of my marketing activities. Activities I actually like to do.
I kept trying to just get going …I found myself feeling really bad about myself. Stupid even. Worse yet… a fraud!
This went on for a few weeks until it dawned on me that these were the usual signs of a limiting belief at work. Limiting beliefs can make themselves known like this especially when you have something important you want to achieve
I was really excited about our newest program. One we were going to roll out between the beta program and a newly minted program that will cover some crazy new territory for seasoned coaches as well as newbies.
I will tell you about the new program in a minute and it will make you laugh, I promise.
Once I understood that what I was dealing with was a limiting belief and NOT a “bad Kat”, I went to work to see what that belief was so that I could shift it out of my way!
The belief I uncovered went something like this:
“No matter how much I do to market my business, it is never enough.”
That is how most limiting beliefs sound. Simple, pathetic, hopeless. They tend to have some truth in them that helps to keep them going even though mostly they are a big fat lie!
The truth comes from how you behave in accordance with your beliefs. With my limiting belief, I was working really hard doing a lot of things. Some worked and some didn’t. The belief, however, was sapping my energy.
I kept trying to just get going …I found myself feeling really bad about myself. Stupid even. Worse yet… a fraud!
This went on for a few weeks until it dawned on me that these were the usual signs of a limiting belief at work. Limiting beliefs can make themselves known like this especially when you have something important you want to achieve
I was really excited about our newest program. One we were going to roll out between the beta program and a newly minted program that will cover some crazy new territory for seasoned coaches as well as newbies.
I will tell you about the new program in a minute and it will make you laugh, I promise.
Once I understood that what I was dealing with was a limiting belief and NOT a “bad Kat”, I went to work to see what that belief was so that I could shift it out of my way!
The belief I uncovered went something like this:
“No matter how much I do to market my business, it is never enough.”
That is how most limiting beliefs sound. Simple, pathetic, hopeless. They tend to have some truth in them that helps to keep them going even though mostly they are a big fat lie!
The truth comes from how you behave in accordance with your beliefs. With my limiting belief, I was working really hard doing a lot of things. Some worked and some didn’t. The belief, however, was sapping my energy.
It was keeping me from really experiencing the successes and overly focused on the things that didn’t seem to get me anywhere. All of which had me thinking I needed to work harder and harder… until I just stopped and gave up.
That is what limiting beliefs do. They will have you give up. They tell you, “Stay safe. Play small.”
They do this until you are able to uncover them, clear them out and create new, empowering beliefs that will have your heart singing and your dreams coming true.
I have found that empowering beliefs are also very simple and don’t even have to be grammatically correct! One of my favorites is:
“Good things happen when I am ME.”

Simple but powerful.
The belief I am now running my marketing with is:
“My business flourishes when I focus my ‘doing’ on my leadership.”
You can see it is not a simple turn around such as “All my marketing efforts pay off.” because turnarounds are usually still tainted with negative energy from the limiting belief.
A positive spin on a powerfully negative thought does not turn a limiting belief into one that gives you that zing of inspiration you need.
Oh…and just to be clear on this, I needed help with this. I walked my talk and got some coaching around my old belief and help to craft a new one. I used to have a limiting belief that told me, “Since this is about what I think, I should be able to do this on my own.”
I busted that belief a long time ago… I always seek help when I want to do something amazing!
Is there something in your life that feels like this? No matter how much you try, how much you do, the results are not what you want?
I say to you this:
First, STOP making yourself wrong. It is most likely not YOU, but a hidden belief at work.
Next, LOOK to see what your limiting belief is saying. Notice the thoughts going on in your head when you want to avoid or procrastinate.
LISTEN for an emotionally charged thought that is very simple and sounds true… but when you shine a light on it you see it has a lot of holes!
And then, look for a better belief. One that lifts your spirits, makes you laugh and gives you hope.
If you find that doing it on your own doesn’t really work, schedule a complimentary belief shift session with us today!
Oh yes, the new offering I promised to tell you about at the beginning of this blog.
It’s called “Your Inner Success” coaching program. This program is for people who want to achieve something but, like me, find they are blocked. And, yes… it includes looking at your beliefs!
As embarrassing as it has been to reveal to you that I had an issue in the very area of our new program, I see, as I wrap up this message, that I have honored another belief in doing so.
I believe that you have to live it to give it.
It is not always comfortable… hell, it is NEVER comfortable… to reveal my own blocks!
But it’s always worthwhile and hopefully inspiring to you to keep walking your path toward your soul driven success.
All the Best, Kat