This is a common question posed in many a book, TV show, and in real life. The answer almost every time is … give me the bad news first.
The reason is that we humans are wired to want to know the danger ASAP, so we can do something about it!
Right after hearing the bad news, though, our amygdala relaxes and we are looking for a dopamine hit. We want some hope, something that will give us faith in ourselves and the world.
This good news bad news question applies to marketing as well.
I tested this theory many years ago when I was told that having a subject line that included BAD NEWS was one of the most opened subject lines there was.
I did not like hearing this. I did not like that, when I tried it out, I found it to be true. I like to think that positive news is what will appeal to people most!
Not so.
In my most recent podcast, I spoke to Cythina Loy Darst, the author of the book Meet Your Inside Team.
She gave me insight into those voices in our head that, when we can identify them, we can make better choices about which ones we want to have running the show and which ones are best staying off the stage of our lives.
It occurred to me that a marketing message can work to address those voices by naming the negative voices that are already speaking loudly in people’s heads and then calling out those voices that are the ones that give people hope and inspiration.
Many coaches I know HATE marketing. Maybe you are one of them.
I get it, marketing can be a way that businesses make false promises and, even worse, promote things that are actually harmful.
However, when you know that what you are selling provides a great benefit to the person purchasing it, that isn’t the case.
Think about it. Coaching services are good! Your people need what you provide.
The best way I know to be in integrity with your values and to promote the awesome service of coaching is to craft a message that matters.
A message that addresses people’s challenges and problems. A message that lets your ideal clients know you get them.
You normalize their fears. People feel known and seen when they get a message that feels true to what they are dealing with
A message also gives hope. It can let people know that they are not alone and that pursuing their dreams is worthwhile.
I may not always hit the mark, but I attempt in every single marketing message to make a positive difference to those who read it in my newsletter or blog or hear it on my podcast or watch the videos that I put on social media.
Now to fulfill the promise I made at the beginning of this message.
The bad news first.
Marketing a coaching business can be challenging, confusing and daunting. Many times it will fail to achieve what you want. Sometimes it’s embarrassing. Always vulnerable.
Now the good news.
You can craft an inspiring message for those you most want to help. It can be a fulfilling process. Maybe even fun.
If you are looking for help with this, I invite you to join me for a free workshop, “Message Driven Marketing,” where I will give you the full scoop on just how to bring this type of message alive. See the details below.
I believe that it is my job – and the job of anyone who really cares about having a positive impact – to take seriously the messages we put out into the world.
I hope I have done this today.

Message Driven Marketing
Workshop with Kat Knecht, CPCC, PCC
Monday, November 20, 2023
11 AM to 12:30 PM Pacific Time
Your message is the reason you became a coach. It carries the change you most want to help people achieve, the growth and possibilities you know you can help them experience.
A well-crafted message will have your ideal clients feel known and seen. It will inspire them to want to work with you.
In this workshop, you will learn the top three keys to creating a meaningful and inspiring marketing message.
To attend the workshop, use this link to join our Free Community of coaches and RSVP for the workshop. There are many other valuable resources you will have access to, at no cost other than your commitment to be a meaningful and successful coach.

Ep.5: Cynthia Loy Darst – Meet Your Inside Team
Join Kat and Master Certified Coach Cynthia Loy Darst to explore the ‘inside team’ concept. Deepen your understanding of internal dynamics and how to leverage them for success in coaching and beyond.