The Vulnerable Truth

The Vulnerable Truth

Speaking your truth, of course, is important to you. 

There are many kinds of truth, however, and the one that can be the hardest to speak — and the most impactful — is the vulnerable kind. 

A vulnerable truth is where you reveal something about yourself and your life experience that comes from your heart and shines a light on a challenge or something tender. This kind of truth shows not just the brilliance of who you are but your humanity. 

One challenge that happened to me recently was on the morning of a workshop I was delivering for my community that would showcase my new online group coaching course. 

I was SO excited about this workshop because I love this topic, and I love these people. Yet on that morning, I woke up with a bad cold. 

My head ached, my nose was stuffed up, I was coughing, and generally, I was a hot mess, as they say! 

I was in no shape to lead a workshop, and on top of that, I had planned to announce a 21-Day Challenge and wanted to set up chats with those interested. 

I was really up against it that morning. 

All logic pointed to me canceling, but when I checked in with my inner wisdom, I got the GO signal.

It would mean making a lot of adjustments to my plans and getting help from my team. Both things I find challenging!

I spent a little time feeling sorry for myself and then had a saboteur attack that almost derailed my forward movement. 

But that inner guidance was so strong that I took some cold meds, drank lots of water, and reached out to my team for help. 

Admitting I needed help and actually asking for it was really hard for me — it meant I had to speak my vulnerable truth. I did it anyway. 

I went ahead with the workshop, and it was super fun. There was a lot of great learning and engagement from the participants, which buoyed my spirits and made it all worthwhile. 

Then I canceled ALL of my coaching sessions for the rest of the week so I could rest and recover and be able to lead the 21-Day Challenge. 

That was huge for me! 

In all my years of coaching, I don’t think I have ever done that combination of things. 

I stepped up even when I wasn’t well AND took excellent self-care that meant potentially letting other people down. 

The Vulnerable Truth is like that. It shines a light on having let myself down in the past as I make a new choice this time. 

And more truth that I am sitting with right now. 

My whole plan for the workshop and 21-Day Challenge got tumbled up, and though I am staying true to that inner guidance, I am in a place of uncertainty about my next steps. I am not yet sure how I want to move forward now that the path I thought was clear has become cloudy. 

I don’t like admitting this, but I really like having things all figured out…how about you? 

Here is a quote that someone I know found online. It is guiding me through this time as well as a personal challenge I am facing. 

Sometimes, we have to go through the darkest of times to become the person we needed IN those dark times. Living as THAT person—that is our purpose.

I have grown as a person and even though I am a bit lost in my direction forward, I feel more on purpose than ever before. Such a weird paradox! 

I feel more compelled than ever to share my own vulnerable truth and to share the stories of the amazing people in the Soul Driven Success Academy community. They inspire me each and every day. 

If you, too, would like to be inspired by true stories that have meaning, be sure to listen to my latest podcast, where my guest, Todd Karges, talks about his dark times and his unique way of holding a flashlight to help others navigate theirs. 

May your vulnerable truth inspire others!

Coaching Business Spotlight Podcast

Todd Karges - From Burnout to Breakthrough to SuccessEp. 28 – Todd Karges – From Burnout to Breakthrough to Success

In this episode, Todd Karges shares how storytelling can transform your coaching business. Learn how being vulnerable, authentic, and sharing your own challenges fosters deeper client connections and drives personal and professional growth.

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