When it comes to revealing who you are…your true identity, it seems that WORK is how we usually identify people.
We ask people… So what do you do? What’s your job? Where do you work?
The answer to that question then becomes a central aspect of how others think of us and often how we think of ourselves.
When your work is a little off the beaten path – like mine is – this can be both liberating and frustrating.
It’s liberating to have work that is the work of my heart.
Work I love that brings positive change in the world.
Work that has me staying true to myself.
Work that brings Financial Prosperity and has a business foundation AND a mission to accomplish.
My mission is to help professional coaches stay true to themselves and create a prosperous business they love.
This is my true identity!
The frustration lies in my desire to put that into a pithy identity that others can understand.
I identify as a coach, a business trainer, a coach trainer, and mentor coach.
I also identify as an author, speaker, minister, and spiritual guide… and, yes, I am a Gemini!
We, humans, want things to be simple… to put people into boxes so we can easily identify them as friend or foe.
Someone we can relate to or, maybe, not so much.
In my work with coaches, when I am really on mission and owning my wacky identity, I find the biggest leap I help them make is to actually LET GO of identities that no longer serve.
Identities that come from who they have been, who others have wanted them to be or who they thought they should be.
The boxes that confine them.
To let go so they can embrace a new identity.
Perhaps their new identities are ones like mine that are not crystal clear.
Or a superhero identity that sparks joy in their hearts!
It could also be something very simple and straightforward in a way that is vulnerable to reveal.
Whatever is lurking under your old identity is worth mining for so you can liberate the new identity that has you staying true to yourself.
One of the easiest ways I know to take on a new identity is to play around with assessments that help you see your values, strengths and superpowers.
There are many out there to choose from.
There is no better time than right now to shed any aspect of your identity that no longer fits and open to one that liberates your truest self today!
All the Best