This past weekend we honored Mother’s Day here in the US. For many reasons this is often an emotional day for me.
My own mother died when I was 12… so for many years I just wanted to ignore the occasion.
Then, I had children of my own and it became a day that was funny and sweet.
This year I took part in a Unity service, an online collaboration of myself and four other amazing ministers, each sharing a story.
We chose the theme..Roots and Wings.
We felt these were important for a mother to give to her children as well as, in a general nurturing, feminine way, to support those we love.
To offer solid ground in our love and connection to others while always cheering them on to their highest good.
It was also International Coaching Week and, on a group coaching call I was facilitating, I asked the participants what they thought made the coaching profession so special.
It occurred to me, as I pondered that question, that it was much the same as the sermon topic: Roots and Wings.
To offer that safe space for people to flounder around and find solid ground.
To always be cheering them on to be the best version of themselves.
To support them full-on to express themselves in ways that may be wild and crazy, soft and quiet or bright and shiny.
In reflecting on my own mother’s influence on me I remembered a day just a couple of months before her death.
She sat my three sisters down and gave us a talk that was meant to last our whole lives through since she wouldn’t be around to guide us.
My mother was not one to mince words!
She talked about unplanned pregnancies and how to avoid them. She talked about recreational drugs and the harm she felt they could do.
What struck me most – on reflection at this time in my life nearly 50 years later – was that she also let us know she believed in us.
She believed we each could create a successful and meaningful life. We did not need to let her death define our potential in any way.
After she died, my family went through a very hard time, to say the least. There were times each of us faced challenges that might have given us reason to give up on living a meaningful life.
In honor of my Mom, Marguerite Settlemire Kehres, I say, “Thank You!”
You instilled in me a belief in myself that has helped me traverse many challenges, You inspired me to keep growing and spreading my wings long after you left the earth plane. You gave me roots, early on, that showed me the value of community and being of service through meaningful work.
I encourage each of you to look and see where you are rooted, where you want to spread your wings, and who the people are that YOU inspire with your belief in them.
What A Priceless Reflection Of Your Mother💞 After All These Year’s She is Still Forever A Part Of You & A Strong Positive Drive For You and Your Amazing Self!!
Xoxo KM