I had just landed in Los Angeles after living my whole life on the East Coast. I was in awe of all the possibilities in the City of Angels. Especially ones that could help me with my coaching business.
On my first day at the Agape Spiritual Center, the speaker was best-selling author Mark Victor Hansen!
I was a little star-struck, I must admit, when I met him outside the church that day.
He was promoting a program to help entrepreneurs like me, and I didn’t hesitate a minute to sign up. I had been in business long enough to know that getting good support is essential to success.
I was, however, a bit naive about how easy it was to get in over my head with a big program like this one.
One of the perks of this program was receiving 100 copies of Mark’s new book, The One Minute Millionaire: The Enlightened Way to Wealth.
I will never forget the day those books arrived at my little cottage. Boxes of books with nowhere to even put them!
At this same time, I was launching a business offering I called the B.U.S. standing for Business Upgrade Service. It stemmed from work I had done for Cynthia Loy Darst, an esteemed leader at the Co-Active Training Institute and one of my first friends in LA.
She had written me a glowing testimonial on how I helped her upgrade her business which I highlighted on my new offer sheet. I had also just received some excellent advice from marketing guru Jay Abraham.
It went like … it doesn’t matter what kind of marketing you do as long as you just do something!
I remember right where I was sitting when I put these three things together. I had the offer sheet, I had 100 brand new books by a best-selling author and I just needed to do something!
So I decided I would send a bunch of these books out in the mail with my offer sheet. Then I would call every single person and ask if they received my package.
I came up with a list that included people I thought would be interested in my services and people I thought would be interesting to talk to.
Now comes the marketing magic part.
This simple but wacky plan really worked! I was contacted by a few coaches right away wanting to know more about my offer. I was explaining my services right there and then.
I remember one person who received the book told me she hated it.
She ended up hiring me, though, after a fun and enlightening conversation about money.
You might be wondering: what is the magic in this story and how does it apply to you?
This one wacky marketing idea – and the implementation of it – helped me grow into a new level of success with my coaching business.
Magic and Miracles are created by having faith in something that you really desire and taking action. Marketing is simply a way of taking action that lets people know what you offer.
As simple as it is in concept, there are a lot of moving parts to really market successfully. It takes commitment and guts to consistently put yourself out in the marketplace. That place where magic meets the world.
What support do you need to put yourself out there?
I would love to know! Write me a note or set up a chat.
If you pull apart today’s story you will find 3 parts that you can replicate.
Part One: Look at what you have. Talents, relationships, or tangible things like my books.
Part Two: Write an offer sheet describing the help you most want to offer people.
Part Three: Get creative! Maybe a little wacky and ask yourself what you would do if you had the courage to look bad or fail.
Now put these together and see what kind of ideas pop into your head. Marketing is a creative endeavor. As I said, creating a strategy and taking consistent action is important. AND sometimes you just need to do something to get the ball rolling!