Guidance Is Always Right

Guidance Is Always Right!

Guidance is always right. Even when, often we can’t see the reason why.

Today I am going to talk about how guidance has worked for me personally and help you connect to your own guidance.

I was guided to this topic on my birthday, which I celebrated a couple of weeks ago.

I had decided that what would really make the day special for me would be to spoil myself.

One thing I wanted to do was to go on a special outing. An artist date.

An artist date is a special outing I learned about from Julia Cameron, the author of The Artist’s Way.  

It is a date with yourself intended to nourish the soul and spark your creativity. It had been a long time since I just had a play day all to myself.

Over my morning coffee, I was thinking about a sermon I was going to deliver in a few weeks. I got an intuition to talk about guidance.

Below is an excerpt from the talk that came from that intuitive hit that I did for Unity of Ventura back in June. 

After receiving the hit on guidance as my topic, I jotted down some notes, and I headed out on my artist date with this new awareness humming in my heart. I know I have trusted guidance most of my life.

My first conscious awareness of listening to guidance came when I was seven. 

My family went to church every Sunday because my dad was the music director. One Sunday, though, we didn’t go because my great-grandmother was dying.

I thought God might be missing me, so I went to talk to God in a field next to our house.

On this day, I was bothered by all the fighting in my house. I asked God why my family didn’t understand how lucky we were. 

I asked for guidance and heard loud and clear that my work was to help people see how to have what they wanted and how to love each other. 

I believe if you look back to your childhood, you too might get a glimpse of being guided.

I think in childhood we are more open to Spirit and don’t question guidance like we might as an adult.

My guidance then and often since comes as a voice that I hear. It always sounds loving and very clear. Guidance can come in many ways. How does it come through you?

I had a life-changing experience when I was seventeen when I was kidnapped and held at gunpoint for hours.

When I thought of this experience as I was looking at this topic, I realized that although I often tell the story as a lesson on the power of love, it was guidance that I had tuned into on that night of terror. That loving voice came through loud and clear and guided me to save my life.

Since I had already established this relationship with spirit, though I was terrified, I went immediately to guidance and was guided step-by-step to do the only thing that would save my life.

Guidance is never wrong. Sometimes, we don’t listen, sometimes we misinterpret the information, and sometimes, it is not what we want to hear.

Guidance doesn’t give us the ending. Just the steps forward.

Like breadcrumbs.

This is another way guidance works. You get that gut feeling; something is nudging you to pay attention.

Do you ever have that? It can be subtle, but if you pay attention and ask for guidance, you will be given one of those breadcrumbs to follow on your path.

Guidance works differently for everyone. It can come as a sign you ask for or coincidental events.

Back to what happened on my birthday.

I headed out on my artist date to the charming little bookstore in Ojai, where I live. Barts Books is an outdoor bookstore that mostly carries used books. 

But guidance led me directly to the indoor new book section, and I wandered around with delight.

Then my eye caught a book title: Living the Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. How funny that was, I thought. I was on an artist date because of Julia Cameron, and here was a new book of hers staring at me off the shelf.

This is one of the most delightful ways I have found that guidance can work. 

When it presents things that just seem too coincidental to be true. When I think, you just can’t make this stuff up!

Do you know what I mean? Sometimes, guidance comes as a coincidence or in a serendipitous way.

When guidance is at work, I often FEEL guided. My mind is no longer leading the way. When spirit leads me, my heart is in charge, and at times like this, I feel all tingly.

I took the book off the shelf and opened it to the very first sentence written by the author.

Here is what it said:

“I’ll start at the beginning. This is a book about Guidance.”

Julia continues.

“What is it? Can anyone receive it?

Guidance is direction that comes from a higher source of wisdom than we ordinarily encounter. It is a response of the universe to a question. Guidance is available to all of us. It is not the specialty of the elite few.”

I use guidance to handle doubts in my life. Ultimately, I experience faith and guidance makes for a happier, lighter life.

It’s reassuring, grounding, and can quell our doubts, anxieties, and fears. It leads to our inner wisdom. Romance, finance, and tangled business affairs are all game for guidance.

The wisdom that is usually sought from human sources is readily available from spiritual sources instead.”

Guidance is always right.

One more thing before I go. On my birthday, when I got the download to do this sermon, I wrote down a string of ideas that came with that guidance in my notebook.

When I sat down to write the sermon, I couldn’t find that notebook anywhere. I tore up the house looking for it. Frantic at one point.

Then I let go and just sat down and wrote what came through.

I hit a moment in my writing where I got the urge to go downtown and get a cup of iced coffee.

I argued with this urge, guidance coming to me uninvited.

But the urge wouldn’t go away so I gave in and grabbed my new book on guidance and put it in my backpack.

I found a nice table in the shade and pulled out my book to read as I sipped my coffee. There was my notebook with the notes for the sermon on guidance! 

Guidance can also come univited and unexplained but Guidance is always right

Coaching Business Spotlight Podcast

Kat Knecht - A Coach's Compass: Navigate with Inner GuidanceEp. 23 – Kat Knecht – A Coach’s Compass: Navigate with Inner Guidance

Unlock the spiritual side of coaching with Kat Knecht. Discover how guidance can transform your coaching practice and personal life. Tune in for inspiring stories, practical tips, and an invitation to cultivate your own connection to intuitive wisdom.

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