Love is without a doubt the most powerful energy there is, wouldn’t you agree?
To love something unconditionally is the purest form of love. To open your heart and simply beam love at someone or something is a wonderful way to bring joy into your life.
This can be easy if that someone or something is a newborn baby or adorable kitten.
But when It comes to other areas like your coaching business, it may be a bit harder to access that love. Especially the unconditional kind.
After all, you need money to survive – right!? There is a lot of emotion attached to money for this reason. Money touches everything. At a survival level.
I am suggesting here today that you give this a try. In my last blog, I wrote about using values as a guide when you think about money in your business. Today, I want to look at your mindset when it comes to the financial aspects of your coaching business.
One of the easiest ways I know to create a positive mindset about anything is to bring some love into the picture.
What would it be like if, for one day, you allowed yourself to love money unconditionally? Not with all the qualifiers you normally put on it. How much, how little, how right, how wrong.
Let all those qualifiers go and just love it. Beam love. Feel love. Fall in love … with the money that nourishes and feeds you.
The energy of love will free you up from any limited, fear-based thinking that might be in your current mindset.
It will be easy to spot the NOT LOVE thoughts that come up when you do this radical but effective exercise.
You will get a glimpse of your current mindset when it comes to the money aspect of your business. The more you are able to unconditionally love, the clearer you will see the NOT LOVE (thoughts, emotions, sensations in your body) that shows up.
The next step is to use one of your own powerful coaching questions like:
- What do I want my money mindset to be?
- What is a powerful mindset that will help me manage my business finances with confidence?
- Who will I need to be to feel powerful with money in my business?
What’s the mindset that has the power of love built into it? That will guide your mind to make choices that feel good inside and have the outcomes you most desire.

- Set aside one whole day – or perhaps an entire week – to do this experiment.
- On this day or week, your focus is on loving the finances in your business. Whatever they may be. Just love them. Beam love at every single penny spent, earned or invested.
- Keep an eye out for whatever bubbles up that holds the NOT LOVE energy.
- At the end of this love experiment, intentionally choose a new mindset to practice and ultimately adhere to.

One way I know to shift a mindset is to have a positive story you tell yourself.
This month I am offering a complimentary exercise that I use in my workshops and retreats. You can get it at no cost when you join our free community here. Then you’ll find your exercise worksheet here.