In my last blog, I talked about creating a working plan that keeps you in inspired action. Today I bring the second part of that message. As May comes to an end and summer is looming, it’s the season to stay in action even as you enjoy the summer sunshine.
When you enact your working plan, you will need to dance between the eagle and the mouse view: your daily and weekly tasks, as well as the grander vision and high dream into which you are moving.
Check in with the feeling tone of your high dream.
Make sure it feels good.
The better it feels, the easier it is to make it happen
Check in with the daily and weekly tasks.
Do they align with your vision? Will they move you closer?
Are there distractions you’ve allowed to creep in?
Does it feel good to see the vision and daily tasks together?
Now, feeling good does not mean it feels comfortable.
It doesn’t mean that fears won’t pop up.
Remember, there is a distinction between the fear that comes from the inner saboteur kicking up a fuss because you are heading into new territory and the feeling of “not quite right” when your soul is guiding you to correct your course.
Get quiet.
Listen to your centered, calm inner voice.
Aim for something true, even if it seems to contradict what you think you should be going for.
Here is an excerpt from my book, Evolve Your Coaching Business, that I believe will help you stay on track with your working plan that’s making your vision come true.
Start With What You Have
“Start with what you have” might sound like a truism you would read on a new age tea bag tag.
But it is perhaps the greatest stumbling block in all of creation for us humans
You can only create from what you have, and you must stand on what you have while envisioning what is yet to come.
When you focus on what you DON’T HAVE and try to create from there, you ignore the gold in your backyard and dig deep, empty holes all over the place.
You need to include ideas and dreams you have for the future. Those that feel good and resonate on a soul level now.
In that sense, they are visions and feelings that you “have” now about what we will create in the future.
It’s a paradox. To honor what you already have while holding the growth and expansion you see in the bigger picture of your vision.
I encourage you to always have a working plan based on what you have now!
Plan your Inspiration Time
Taking inspired action is, without question, the best way to move forward in your business.
I’ve learned that I can’t count on being inspired! So I put inspiration time into my weekly schedule.
I block out a couple of hours – or sometimes a whole day – that I mark as Creative Work.
It never fails to amaze me how inspiration shows up every time.
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P.S. I will be there to welcome you!