A Word from the Author of
Evolve Your Coaching Business

While many coaches long to have a positive impact on the world and help their clients create a fulfilling life, an alarming number of them fail because they don’t learn how to move from the love of coaching to the joy of running a successful business.
Evolve Your Coaching Business offers proven tools and strategies that align with your values and desire to be of service.
Learn from real life examples and inspiring stories that will guide you step-by-step to creating a soulful and successful coaching business.

This book will show you how to use that very same strength—along with your skills, talent, and passion—to evolve your coaching business into a prosperous, lifelong career.
Evolve Your Coaching Business
at a glance
Learn from 20+ years of personal experience.

When I began my coaching career over 20 years ago, it was full of hard work, mistakes, and learning. I would love to tell you I built a successful business easily and effortlessly, but that wasn’t my story.
That is… until I learned I could listen to my inner wisdom when I used proven business strategies and started doing the small things that brought me my greatest success.
In turn, that led me to the discovery of the four stages of a coaching business which, when followed, make the journey to success easier and even fun!